4-9th July 2024 @ Cara creek eco lodge, portugal

Nature of You retreat

Rest. Rewild. Remember.

Nature of You is an elemental journey. A remembering. A re-rooting into your deeper truth. Your human nature. Your wild, primordial being. We journey into the depths of Portugals valleys, where two rivers meet. With nature as our mirror, our teacher, our guide. Our mornings spent together in meditation, movement practices, yoga asana. Free time to be held by the earth of Cara Creek, to cleanse in the waterfall, to float in the river and natural pools. To soak up the solar rays. To Gather in ceremony. To practice and embody sacred teachings and so so much more. Nature of You is an offering to yourself. A homecoming of sorts. Home to yourself. Home to the earth. To the sweetness of life. The rich, fertile, aliveness - within you. 


Are you ready my love, to embody your rawest, wildest, softest most grounded presence surrounded by a community of likeminded souls? 


If this sounds as delicious to you as it is for me to share, then this retreat is for you my love <3


A taste of what to expect… 

Imagine waking up to the sound of the rippling river and bird song, feeling the warmth of the sun on your face as we meet for our morning meditation and movement practice from our outdoor Shala looking out over the valley. Followed by a delicious brunch before dancing into a day of ceremony, ritual and play!


Your days will be weaved with embodiment, movement practices, meditation, yoga, workshops, sharing circles, free time to soak up, explore and play across the lands of Cara Creek and a conscious slow-living energy that will support you to courageously surrender and soften into the healing that's available within this container. 


Immersed in nature, waterfalls, rivers, lush greenery and views over the valley. Nourished with farm to table meals, drinks and wholesome snacks throughout the day to accompany the deep work we will be doing. You'll sleep close to nature under the stars in your private geometric inspired pod….pretty dreamy right?

Meet your guide

Philippa is a sunshine, nature & naked swims - lover of life! She feels most alive when immersed in nature, in movement and in community. A burning heart, she welcomes you with warmth and grace. With arms that hold you, eyes that see you, and a heart that meets yours. 

Philippa has a unique way of teaching, weaving together somatic practices, embodiment, yoga, asana, free movement, dance, non-dual tantrik philosophy, elements, goddess deities, animism and thoughtfully curated playlists that make you FEEL something. 

It is her intention to create ceremonial spaces for being, healing, remembering, awakening and transformation. A space to be held, seen, and fully witnessed in your mess and your glory. In all of it. Spaces that activate, awaken and embody the depths of you waiting to be remembered & reclaimed.

“As soon as I was greeted in Philippa’s arms it was like I wasn’t let go. From the first moments it felt like we were on a girls trip and we had all been friends forever, her presence was a natural guidance, never needed more or less, Philly was the perfect mix of host and friend. The whole retreat was a beautiful, natural flow and to Philly thank you so so much for creating that wild, loving sisterhood space <3 ”


The Space

Cara Creek Eco lodge

We'll gather in nature, in a sanctuary nestled away in the hills of Portugal, where two rivers meet - Cara Creek. This land feels so special to my heart and intention for this retreat. The perfect space to unfurl, to explore, retreat, rest, move, shake, integrate, be held by the earth, cleanse in the waters, soak up the sun, bathe in the forests…. it really is so RICH with life. I can't wait for you to experience it for yourself <3

Natural Swimming Pool

Overlooking the valley and surrounding woodland. Our swimming pool is kept clear and chemical-free using a sand filter, UV filter, and diverse aquatic plants. 

Hot Tub & Sauna

A Wood-fired & solar powered Hot Tub and Sauna near the pool to cool down in between sessions.

Indoor & Outdoor Shala

With stunning views of the pool and soothing sounds of the river, the Outdoor Shala is where we will meet for practice. 

Communal Spaces

For a break from nature's elements, we have cozy communal dining spaces and chill-out areas. Grab a cup of tea, a good book, and cuddle up with one of the cats.

Private River with nearby waterfall & forest

With our own private river beach and nearby waterfall and forest treks. River clay mud baths and paddle boarding along the river to unlock that inner child and play!

Garden to Table Meals

Lovingly prepared garden to table meals throughout the retreat. Depending on the ceremonies each day, you’ll be tucking into breakfast, lunch and dinner or brunch, an afternoon snack and dinner, with plenty of snacks throughout the day.

Is this retreat right for me?

This retreat is truly for all levels and everyone is welcome. That really is the beauty of coming away with community of like minded souls! 


Whatever your intention for joining, I know one thing for certain. Movement, Sunshine, Time in nature, community, nourishing food is allllllll the medicine our souls need. 

What's included?


5 nights, 6 days accommodation in Portugal


Daily fresh, locally sourced, lovingly prepared, farm to table meals snacks and drinks throughout the day


Daily yoga, movement & meditation 


Workshops, Ceremonies, Sharing Circles


Day trips including hikes in nature, paddle boarding on the river, mud clay bath ritual, waterfall visits and more


Plenty of free time to rest, explore, play, integrate, read, swim, sing, whatever your soul desires my love, this retreat is for you!! 


Payment plans to suit you (no extra charge)


Philippa's guidance, support and teachings for the duration of the retreat <3 

What's not included?


Flights to/from Portugal


Transfers to and from Cara Creek (We will have a shuttle option available once your space is confirmed)


Travel and Health Insurance 


private Penta Pod

These pentagonal shaped structures have a small window and a door that rolls up so you can admire the view from bed, or lounge on the large private deck. X1 SINGLE BED.



private TRI POD

Named for their Triangular shape, they reach 5 meters high and have small decks out front admire the views of the pool and sweeping tree tops. Each with x2 single beds. 



Inspired by the simplest 3D shape found in nature - the Tetrahedron. The walls reach 6 meters high to a clear top, and they have a large window with amazing views and a double bed. 


Pay in Full or Deposit & Payment Plan Option Available 

to secure your space you only need to offer your deposit (pay what you can between £50-£250), the remainder can be paid in MONTHLY instalments OR PAY IN FULL AND RECEIVE £50 OFF. 


if you have any further questions or would like to book/pay an alternative way or apply for the low income spaces, please contact PHilippa on venusandwild@gmail.com or Whatsapp +44 7712110012

LOVE NOTES from 2023 Nature of you retreat sisters <3

Wow I don’t even know where to start – This being my first retreat was a blessing and a curse, a blessing because I had the most profound experience, a curse because I don’t think any other retreat will EVER live up to this one. Philippa was incredible at holding a safe container and had an abundance of knowledge in each workshop she hosted. There was a great variety of activities/workshops, the perfect amount of people (it was not overwhelming at all) and the whole experience was done with ease. I felt held through each movement and moment. The energy Philippa radiates is nurturing, loving and wholesome. I highly recommend to ALL people, whether you’re experienced or a beginner on your journey; her retreats will certainly give you insight and a magical experience. Thank you so much Philly for this opportunity to develop as a person and to meet more soul sisters along the way. 


Before the retreat I just knew I was in a crap place mentally, but just couldn’t find the release I needed. During, I can’t even word it. It was everything I needed and more. The SETTING, PEOPLE, ENGERY, SUPPORT, THE LOVE!! I was starting to feel it all and I felt like I was having the awakening my mind and body so desperately wanted and needed. My feelings after the retreat, other than the fact I was gutted it was over:( I was so relaxed and clear minded, literally a feeling I don’t think I had felt in a very long time. I have so many memories from my time at the retreat that I will cherish forever. A few stand out moments were the 8 new beautiful souls I shared the experience with, the first yoga session we all did together (the first ever yoga class I enjoyed!) The day spent at the waterfall and the magical practice at the end of the week where we each received love and healing from one another. Overall, magical in every possible way and definitely the release I was searching for. 


Before the retreat I was suffering from burn out and feeling like giving up my career completely. I had lost my drive for my job and also my life, so I didn't hesitate when I saw the Nature of You Retreat. I absolutely loved the morning meditation and yoga. I thought that would have been the part that I would have enjoyed the least but taking 3 or so hours in the morning to breathe, move, reflect and just be still amongst 8 other wonderful women was exactly what I needed. But what I enjoyed even more was the Kali Ma experience. Since coming back to real life, delving into life and work I gave a total mind shift. I am pushing for things that I only ever hoped for and I fear so much less than ever. I have converted that fear and anxiety into strength, self belief and power. I also loved being so deep into nature, the land, the water and the fresh air. It was the most transformative experience of my life and I would do it again without hesitation.


I came into the retreat feeling at a real low point, lost and having recently handed in my notice of my unfulfilling corporate IT job. Being in this real unknown space of what’s next, it felt like such a full body yes when the opportunity presented itself to join along to the Nature of You Retreat. I’d been feeling worried and anxious for weeks on end but during the retreat I came to a real place of peace, feeling centred and trusting in myself and what next for me on this journey. My favourite part of the retreat was the powerful Goddess Kali Ma Drum Journey that Philippa Guided us upon, on the final evening of the retreat. Such a full power force of strength and movement really propelled itself into my life after that journey ~ wow! Since then I’ve started working with Goddess Kali and have felt some real energetic change starting to unfold within my life. I had so much space open up during and after the retreat, where my creativity has been fully turned on. 

